
Black Bear Review Submission Guidelines:

Black Bear Review publishes continually online in the Fall and Winter. Our yearly print edition is published in the Spring. We accept submissions from anyone anywhere in the world for online publication, but consideration for our annual print edition is only open to Selkirk College students, Alumni, and Kootenay writers.

Things to know before you submit:

– You can submit to 1 of 4 categories: Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, or Art.
– Please, submit to only one category at a time. You can submit up to twice a year, but wait for the decision on your first submission before sending a second one. 
– Your prose should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 5000. 
– Limit your poetry submissions to 1-4 poems.  

– Any type of art will be considered, whether it be visual, digital, or photography. Images of art should be high resolution ( a minimum of 2400px wide and 300 dpi) and submitted as either in JPEG or PNG format.  
– The managing editor anonymizes all submissions prior to the editorial teams receiving them to ensure a subjective review process.

– Keep your piece clean. i.e: No inappropriate or offensive              content. 

 – Please provide a trigger warning if you think it is warranted.

 – Proof read your piece before submitting.

How to submit:

– Send your submission to: blackbearreview [at]

– Submit your work as either a Word document or a Google doc.   
– Submissions must be sent in Times New Roman, 12-point font and double-spaced for prose, single-spaced for poetry. 
– Please include a professional 2-4 sentence bio about yourself, written in the third-person

ex: Clayton Fenrick is from Creston, BC and has an English degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland. He recently finished a creative writing course at Selkirk College and he enjoys creative writing in his free time. he can be seen in the Kootenays and elsewhere wearing a blue toque.

– Use your email subject line to indicate which category you are submitting to.


After you submit:

– The process of deciding whether or not a piece is ready for publication can take up to 8 weeks after the submission call has closed.  
– The editorial teams are led by second year creative writing students and alumni. Upon their decision you will either receive an email congratulating you or one giving you suggestions on how to improve your piece for the next submission call. 
– If your piece is selected a copy editor will review and provide minor tweaks. 

Thank you to everyone who takes the time, creativity, and courage to submit to us. It’s contributors like you who help make the Black Bear Review special and a joy to be apart of.

We look forward to your submissions!

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