Combining creativity, freedom from violence, activism, and committed parenting takes courage. Nichoel Sutton’s spoken-word series “I’m done” can be seen as part of a poetic tradition called Incantations. Braid and Shreve in their book “In Fine Form” share the Canadian Oxford Dictionary’s definition: “a magical formula chanted or spoken” which comes from the Latin “cantare”, to sing. Although many forms of poetry use repetition, the incantation relies particularly heavily on rhythmic insistence to create an intensely emotional, mesmerizing effect, for magic, ritual, or performance purposes. Like spoken-word, incantation overtly appeals to the senses – especially the ear.” (Braid and Shreve, p.110).
Part 1. I’m done. I’m done with the words that don’t match the actions…
Part 2. I’m done with the meetings where they say nice words…
Part 3. I’m done. I’m done with not being able to protect myself…
Part 4. I’m done with knowing that if I call the police…
About the Author
Recipient of Honorary Life Experience Certificate (HLEC) from Douchebag Daddies and their ilk.