lovesatmosphere by Jaden How

everyone you meet is a reflection of you. 
and just like everyone, you are deserving of extraordinary love. 
you are light, sunshine in your veins.
you are a child of the universe. 
you are allowed to take up space. 
after all, you are stardust.
you exist, and that is enough. 
you are worthy, an exceptional creature. 
like a magnolia tree, you too shall bloom. 
until then, stay soft and fuzzy like the buds
your time will come.
believe that you are golden
encapsulate all that you are. 
you are love in human form.

About the Author

Jaden How resides on Sinixt təmxʷulaʔxʷ (Nelson, BC). This poem inspires softness from within, to slow down and pause, to be. A reminder that your thoughts, ideas, and actions matter. Deciding to hold space for yourself, and by doing so, ripples onto those around you.

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