In their flannel pyjamas
The couple stands roadside
The school bus pulls up
Their small child steps inside
A sure sign of fall
The new beginning of a season
Where children go to school
To grow and learn how to reason
On the rural flats of Salmo
Outside of town
Winter preparation must be done
Before the snow comes down
The mornings are colder now
The grass so wet with dew
Soon there will be a white blanket
Enveloping the landscape anew
The slumber that winter brings
Will be a welcomed change
No more rushing about
To complete the chores on our range
The school bus returns
Ambling down our country road
Stopping and opening its doors
We watch the children unload
About the Author
Dr. Jen is the Owner of The Counselling Group in White Rock, B.C. and presently resides in Salmo, B.C. Her mission is to touch and heal as many as possible. She does this through her therapy practice, but also through her writing. Thanks for embracing this form.